TTRPG: The Sundering:
Characters: Smokeshow

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The Sundering is set in a domain called The Zwari Nation, itself an island ripped off the side of a continent and dropped on to a different world. There are many varied personalities who inhabit the Nation. Here is a sampling, with more to come in the upcoming sequel NPC compendium, The Sundering: It's Nation Time.

DESIGNATION: Adventurer, Noble
RACE: Yuan-ti.
HIT POINTS: 84 (8d8+50)
ARMOR CLASS: 16 (equipment)
SPEED: 30 ft.
SAVING THROWS: STR -1, DEX +1, CON +0, INT* +7, WIS* +5, CHA +3
SKILLS: Acrobatics +1, Animal Handling +2, Arcana* +7, Athletics -1, Deception +3, History +5, Insight +2, Intimidation +3, Investigation* +8, Medicine +2, Nature +2, Perception* +7, Performance +3, Persuasion* +7, Religion +5, Sleight of Hand +1, Stealth +1, Survival +2
SENSES: passive perception 12
AGE: 30 years.
POTENT CANTRIPS: Smokeshow can add her spellcasting ability modifier to the damage she deals with any cantrip.
PORTENT: roll two d20s every morning, use numbers as die results at any time.
MAGIC RESISTANCE: adv. on saving throws vs. spells and magical effects.
EXPERT DIVINATION: when divination spell cast, regain one expended spell slot of lesser level.
ARCANE RECOVERY: regain spell slots totalling 4 levels after short rest once per day).
POISON IMMUNITY: She can ignore poison damage and the poisoned condition.
FEAT: Keen Mind: Perfectly know way north, time to next sunrise or sunset, anything heard or seen in past month.
FEAT: War Caster: Adv. on Constitution saves to maintain concentration when hit, cast somatic even when something in both hands, cast spell for opportunity attack reaction.
MIND SHARPENING SCALE MAIL DRESS: The infused item can send a jolt to the wearer to refocus their mind. The item has 4 charges. When the wearer fails a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, the wearer can use its reaction to expend 1 of the item's charges to succeed instead. The item regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
MISTY BELT OF ESPIONAGE: Attuned item, very rare, +50 HP, wearer can cast Disguise Self at will.
POSITION OF PRIVILEGE: Thanks to her noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of her. She is welcome in high society, and people assume she has the right to be wherever she is. The common folk make every effort to accommodate her and avoid her displeasure, and other people of high birth treat her as a member of the same social sphere. She can secure an audience with a local noble if she needs to.
SPELLS: Smokeshow is a 8th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The following list represents Smokeshow's typically prepared spells: Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Poison Spray, Prestidigitation, Message, Mage Hand
1st Level (4 slots): Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Charm Person, Detect Magic, Identify, Illusory Script
2nd Level (3 slots): Suggestion, Mind Spike, Detect Thoughts
3rd Level (3 slots): Counterspell, Tongues, Haste, Major Image
4th Level (2 slots): Arcane Eye, Greater Invisibility
EQUIPMENT: Bag of Holding (items within), Winged Boots, Misty Belt of Espionage, Cloak of Arachnida
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
LANGUAGES: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Abyssal
TRAITS: Sassy and confident. She’s Angelica Schuyler, basically.
IDEAL: To gain favor for her family.
BOND: Family, Ninki Nanka, culture & to the Insinuation
FLAW: Overconfidence
BACKSTORY: Real name: Na-Countess Ilsha Oluyinka. Daughter of Count Kwame Oluyinka, sovereign of the yuan-ti city of Khepera, heir apparent to the throne. She grew up in the lap of luxury, a fan of spa days and shopping until, when she was nineteen, she received a vision of great calamity befalling her city unless she gained power and influence. She ignored the vision, and months later an attack on the city’s Temple of All Faiths killed sixteen citizens, including the city’s high prelate of Ninki Nanka, family friend Kamira Nigh. She received another vision, which led her to discover the machinations of the Nation’s spy network, the Insinuation. Recognizing the political cost of eliminating her, she was instead recruited and works under a number of illusory code names such as Ethrina Castlemaine or Janet the Bard. She was gifted a Misty Belt of Espionage by the Insecurity, which combines with whatever illusions she casts to make a smoky, wispy effect to the creation and dissipation of her magical deceptions.

The Sundering is an insultingly inclusive fantasy world with intricate politics, economics and of course adventure. One of the very few Black-owned offerings in the Fifth Edition TTRPG space, this work was created by Hannibal Tabu and Damion Poitier and published by Laguna Studios.
Artwork by Moonie and Quinn McGowan.