TTRPG: The Sundering:
Characters: Jaith Kuduri

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The Sundering is set in a domain called The Zwari Nation, itself an island ripped off the side of a continent and dropped on to a different world. There are many varied personalities who inhabit the Nation. Here is a sampling, with more to come in the upcoming sequel NPC compendium, The Sundering: It's Nation Time.

RACE: Variant human
SPEED: 30 ft., climb 30 feet
ABILITY SCORES: STR 18, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 17, CHA 16
SKILLS: Acrobatics +6, Animal Handling +6, Arcana +2, Athletics +4, Deception +3, History +5, Insight +3, Intimidation +3, Investigation +2, Medicine +3, Nature +2, Perception +6, Performance +3, Persuasion +3, Religion +2, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3, Survival +6
SENSES: Darkvision 60 feet, passive perception 21
SPELLS: Eldritch Blast; Mage Hand; Healing Elixir; Shocking Stand; Shockwave; Flashbang; Convert To Lightning; Shock and Release; Storm Gate
EQUIPMENT: Karmawood Adamantine Axe, Sentinel Shield, Dagger, Shortbow, Short Sword, Backpack (items within)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
LANGUAGES: Common, Primordial, Dwarvish, Halfling, Orc
EXTRA ATTACK: Jaith can attack twice, instead of once, whenever he takes the Attack Action on his turn. The number of attacks increases to three when he reaches 11th level in the Battle Ma'jai class and to four when he reach 20th level in this class.
ACTION SURGE: Jaith can take an extra action in turn once between short rests.
WEAPON BOND: Jaith Kuduri cannot be disarmed.
SECOND WIND: Jaith has a limited well of stamina that he can draw on to protect himself from harm. On his Turn, Jaith can use a bonus action to regain Hit Points equal to 1d10 + his Fighter level (7). Once he uses this feature, Jaith must finish a short or long rest before he can use it again.
SAVING THROWS: STR* +7, DEX +3, CON* +6, INT +2, WIS +3, CHA +3
BATTLE BOOST: Starting at 7th level, Jaith can, as a bonus action, expend one first level spell slot to gain +2 on attacks, saves, weapon damage, and ability checks for one minute. At 15th level, he gains advantage instead of the +2.
FEAT: Magic Initiate (Warlock): Jaith knows two cantrips of from the warlock spell list. (Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand). In addition, Jaith has one 1st-level spell to learn from that same list (Healing Elixir). Using this feat, he can cast that spell once at its lowest level, and must finish a long rest before he can cast it in this way again.
His spellcasting ability for these warlock spells is charisma.
FEAT: Observant: Quick to notice details of his environment, Jaith has gained the following benefits:
Increase to his Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
If he can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language he understands, he can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips.
Jaith has a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.
ANCESTRY: Since his mother Amara Kuduri was a cliffwalk shifter, Jaith has +1 added to his DEX score, a climbing speed of 30 feet, and as a bonus action can Shift for one minute (gaining temporary HP equal to his level plus his constitution bonus) and during that time a bite/claw attack for +4 to do 1d4+2 piercing or slashing damage)
TRAITS: Forthright and intuitive
IDEAL: Provide an example for others to follow
BOND: Following through on commitments
FLAW: stubborn
BACKSTORY: Jaith Kuduri was the only child of Amara and Thance Kuduri, two Protectors of the city of Davia in the Karma region. They were both contemplating retirement after finding the hoard of the slain dragon Hearttaker, and were tasked to what should have been an easy assignment: fill in for a single day on the security detail around the ruins of the fallen city of Nobyl when tragedy struck. A mutated phoenix emerged from the wreckage of the sky city, wrathful and undeterred. Jaith's parents were among the first Protectors slain and the entire affair was seen as a failure of the early warning systems put in place to control chaos emerging from the site. Nonetheless, Jaith was remanded to the Opuus Orphanage of the village of Shikaakwa and remained a ward of the state, often cared for by Xiu (pronounced "SHYO") Han from Zhenhou in Pana's Beifong Province. In school, Jiath met the scion of a runaway noble who helped get Jaith into training as a battle ma'jai at Shikaakwa's Garnet Fist dojo, elite adventurers loosely associated with the Congress of Spells through the auspices of the fighters' guild the Garnet Fist. Jaith excelled in his martial studies, mastering channeling the electrical impulses in his body. Playing around with his powers, he knocked loose a small portrait of his parents from its frame and found the map they had drawn to Hearttaker's hoard. He followed their instructions and discovered the massive treasure of the ancient green dragon, hidden away and unknown. Determined to make a world with fewer orphans, Jaith began studying people with abilities to craft weapons, discovering that his old friend Xiu Han's nephew Kivanga was a talented arcane engineer on internship at Shikaakwa's Fabrication. A deal was struck -- the Han family got seed money to start their dream business, an unparalleled chair store back in Zhenhou called the Sitadel, and Kivanga became Jaith's personal armorer. The two of them and the now-seated Baron Wambui all moved to Lethesport together and remain close to this day.
Played by Damion Poitier

The Sundering is an insultingly inclusive fantasy world with intricate politics, economics and of course adventure. One of the very few Black-owned offerings in the Fifth Edition TTRPG space, this work was created by Hannibal Tabu and Damion Poitier and published by Laguna Studios.
Artwork by Moonie and Quinn McGowan.